Blockchain startup CargoX signs a major partnership with European logistics giant Milsped

CargoX, the independent developer of a blockchain-based Smart Bill of Lading platform that offers low-cost, safe and reliable transmission of value-carrying trade documents, has partnered with European logistics leader Milsped Group of Serbia, to jointly test and evaluate CargoX’s blockchain-based Smart B/L solution.

After raising US$7 million through a public initial coin offering earlier this year, CargoX is now finalizing development of the MVP (minimum viable product), and moving quickly to test its Smart B/L ecosystem, establish partnerships, and go to market.

Through its partnership with Milsped Group, CargoX is establishing technical and industry ties with regional and global companies that will allow the logistics software company to develop a solution that can be quickly onboarded using existing computer and smartphone technology, but that still delivers fast and secure transfer of critical trade documents.

“Blockchain-based solutions are an important part of the future of logistics, delivering speed, reliability, transparency, and better value of services.”

“Innovation is required to stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving logistics business, and we expect to see big global changes in the years ahead, both at Milsped and across the logistics sector.”

“Together with CargoX, we want to facilitate those changes – by testing the CargoX Smart Bill of Lading in our business and providing CargoX with our insight into our processes,” said Milos Mihailovic, Director of Air, Sea & Rail Freight Department, at Milsped Group.

“We partnered with Milsped Group because they are one of the largest logistics services providers in Europe, with a culture of innovation, advanced technology implementation, and also a profound respect for partnerships.”

“With Milsped Group on board, we have gained decades of real-world experience, and deep insight into logistics and supply chains from the cargo handling point of view.”

“This partnership will allow us to tailor our solutions to take on the daily challenges that logistics companies face, and ultimately make the CargoX Smart B/L faster, more efficient and business-friendly,” said Stefan Kukman, CEO and founder of CargoX, who has 10+ years of experience in logistics.



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