New UAE–Turkey TIR trade route two-thirds faster than by sea

The first TIR intermodal operation from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to Turkey, via Iran, has been successfully completed with an Emirati truck arriving in the Mediterranean port of Iskendarun today.

The truck began its journey in Ras al Khaima before driving overland to the Port of Khalid in Sharjah, then by Ro-Ro (roll-on/roll-off) ferry to the port of Shaheed Bahonar in Bandar Abbas, Iran. The truck then continued by road towards Turkey, crossing the Bazargan-Gurbulak border and arriving in Iskendarun less than a week later.


All border crossing customs procedures, including between the two Emirates, were handled with one TIR carnet.

With a regular journey time of 6-8 days, the new intermodal trade corridor will save around two thirds in comparison to the traditional maritime route via the Suez Canal.

This new TIR route follows the opening of a range of new trade routes this year that have all shown huge savings in time for exporters, including Russia to the UAE via Azerbaijan and Iran, and Pakistan to Turkey via Iran.

Source: IRU


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