ERTICO to coordinate new pan-European logistics project

ERTICO – ITS Europe will coordinate FENIX – A European Federated Network of Information eXchange in LogistiXStudy – a new CEF project launching in September 2019 and involving 43 beneficiaries and more than 20 implementation bodies.

– FENIX will put in practice the lessons we learned with AEOLIX, and it is expected to meet the goal we set ourselves for the first phase of the transition to seamless logistics data sharing – said Eusebiu Catana (ERTICO).

FENIX will develop the first European federated architecture for data sharing serving the European logistics community of shippers, logistics service providers, mobility infrastructure providers, cities, and authorities in order to offer interoperability between any individual existing and future platforms.

The idea of FENIX comes from the work and recommendations of the European Commission’s Digital Transport and Logistic Forum (DTLF) to create a viable and valid federative network of platforms as enabler for Business to Administration (B2A) and Business to Business (B2B) data exchange and sharing by transport and logistics operators.

FENIX will use an interoperability-driven modelling framework along with existing model mechanisms and results from the H2020 projects AEOLIX and SELIS as building blocks.

The FENIX concept is built on the idea of a cloud-based technology that will motivate increased horizontal collaboration, optimised routing and dynamic re-routing of freight through plug-and-play solutions for Supply Chain planning and operations. The end goal is a set of integrated services that exploit real-time Big Data streams for real time awareness and visibility, delivered from the cloud as a service. These services will be based on accurate, reliable and timely information flows and events notifications based on standards and public-private governance.

FENIX will also exploit Internet of Things (IoT), satellite navigation and retrospective historical data, by leveraging automated processes and intelligent algorithms to identify opportunities for more enhanced streamlining of routes, customisation of cargo routing combinations, and optimisation of delivery schedules.

FENIX will run for 36 months covering all the TEN-T corridors with a total budget of 60,6 Million Euro.
More information on the project, including a project website will follow soon.

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