Hellmann Worldwide Logistics: New Company Structure, Effective August 1, 2017

The Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Group is currently undergoing realignment and reorganization, adapting the company’s legal organization to its continuous expansion, and changing market requirements. As of August 1, 2017, Hellmann will consist of a parent holding company and the three divisions – Air & Sea, Road & Rail and Contract Logistics, which operate as legally independent subgroups. Reorganizing the business into divisional companies along with the three main product groups is the key component of this future-oriented realignment.

While the Group has largely been organized geographically to date, the new organization represents a global unification according to the product groups. In addition to providing a basis for further optimizing internal processes, the new structure creates greater flexibility in the individual product areas facilitating more rapid reactions to market trends across countries. At the same time, customers will now be offered uniform global solutions along the entire supply chain, which will further optimize service quality.

– The reorganization along with the product groups is a milestone in the history of Hellmann. Above all, we expect, greater transparency and clear responsibilities within the individual business areas. In this way, the different strategies within the respective product segments can be developed more simply, more specifically, and most especially can be implemented –  explains Dr. Thomas Knecht, Spokesperson for the Board of Management.

The managing partner Jost Hellmann adds, “With these small and flexible units, we are much closer to the market and thus, to our customers. For me, speed is key to a competitive edge in our industry.”

– Through the establishment of the branch, we are significantly streamlining our processes. At the same time, we can offer customers globally uniform services along the entire supply chain. Cross-selling will continue to be a key issue for us in the future –  says Carsten Fuhlendorf, CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and head of the project “Formation of Business Units”.

Source photo:hellmann.net

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