CONSTANTA PORT DAY is coming back to Belgrade

On October 3rd, 2024, the 16th edition of Constanța Port Day in Serbia will take place at the Sava Centar Congress in Belgrade, an event organized by the Maritime Ports Administration Constanța, through its representative in Serbia. Constanța Port Day has become a traditional logistics event in Serbia and a meeting opportunity for the most important actors in the field of transport, logistics and agri-business.

– For Constanța port, 2023 was the year of absolute records in terms of traffic of freight, the economic context being strongly influenced by the conflict in Ukraine – has stated Mihai Teodorescu, the general manager of NC Maritime Ports Administration SA Constanța.

– The year 2023 has registered the highest volume of goods operated in Constanța port. The total traffic of goods in the Romanian maritime ports registered over 92.5 million tonnes, an increase of 22.5% compared to 2022, representing a historic performance for Constanța port.

(Mihai Teodorescu)

This year, in the first 6 months, the traffic of goods in Constanța port remains at the same level as that recorded in the same period last year, of over 40 million tonnes.

Regarding the traffic of goods originating or in transit to Serbia, in 2023 7.23 million tonnes were registered, the most important groups of goods being: fertilizers (natural and chemical) – 2.4 million tonnes; solid mineral fuels – 1.98 million tonnes; iron ores, scrap – 1.6 million tonnes; cereals – 909 thousand tonnes; non-ferrous ores and scrap – 285 thousand tonnes.

Goods from Serbia that transited Constanța port had as a destination South Africa, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Indonesia and Turkey. Fertilizers prevailed, but also solid mineral fuels, iron ores and cereals.

In the first 6 months, on the relationship with Serbia, there was a 28% increase in the traffic of goods compared to the previous year: 4,274,453 tonnes (2024), compared to 3,100,661 tonnes (2023).

In order to successfully manage the increasingly important traffic of goods through Constanța port, NC Maritime Ports Administration SA Constanța has substantially accelerated the development of port infrastructure projects and not only. The National Company Maritime Ports Administration SA has continuously invested in Constanța port, but recently, in the new geopolitical context, it was necessary to reanalyze the priorities and adjust the investment plan.

In the short and medium term, the development objectives are about investments aimed at the development of the transport infrastructure: investment dredging to increase the depths, modernization of roads, construction of quays, embankments, modernization of networks (energy, water, canal, gas), which represent public domain of the state.

(Photo: Constanta Port)

This year, works begin on investment projects financed by European funds in the amount of over 476 million euros and new projects in the amount of 270 million euros are in an advanced stage of preparation.

In the long term, NC Maritime Ports Administration SA Constanța has initiated a project to expand the operating capacity of Constanța port, by about 20%, by creating new territories and operating berths that will serve specialized terminals, a project estimated at over 1 billion euro.

The Maritime Ports Administration has been actively involved in a continuous process of maintaining and searching new partnerships between Black Sea ports, with the aim of opening new trade routes with ports worldwide. Currently, Constanța port is connected with ports around the world by 13 regular container lines and 3 regular RO-RO lines.

– Our main objective is to strengthen the role of Constanța port and its position as Europe’s most important gateway to the Black Sea. To achieve this goal, we continue to invest in infrastructure, both road and naval, we establish new cooperation relationships with important ports to attract new flows of goods, we focus on maintaining, in the port community, a business environment based on dialogue with the more than 700 entities – port operators, logistics and transport companies, public institutions, authorities, which operate on the port platform – has stated the Maritime Ports Administration.

Photo: Constanta Port

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