Gebrüder Weiss organized the transportation of art works from around the world for the 57th October Salon
This year’s 57th October Salon entitled “Beauty of Cacophony” is held in Belgrade from September 14th to October 28th.
Artists from around the world exhibit their works in order to present an intersection of the art scene in the world and its current characteristic, In the open procedure for the public procurement of services, Gebrüder Weiss got a job, and as a leading leader in the field of transport and logistics, road and air transport of works of art from around the world was organised and the total value of art exhibits amounted to 5,000,000.00 EUR.

– Transporting such valuable artwork from around the world is a complex logistic process that requires great preparation and business strategy – said project leader Nikola Vasiljević – director of international transport of the company Gebrüder Weiss Serbia.