MBOX Terminals and Kombiverkehr KG cooperate on the connection between Niš and Wels

The Serbian terminal operator and combined transport provider MBOX Terminals and Frankfurt-based Kombiverkehr KG are cooperating with immediate effect on the connection between Niš in Serbia and Wels in Austria.

– By integrating the Niš terminal into our European network, we are expanding our services to and from Serbia and at the same time repositioning ourselves for network expansion to other countries in south-east Europe. The central location of Niš in the centre of Serbia for road-side pre- and onward carriage, as well as the special geographical location directly on the pan-European transport corridor 10, are significant advantages that we would also like to use for our customers and their intermodal transports – says Susana Jozinovic, Sales Representative Southeastern of Kombiverkehr KG.

– When choosing a cooperation partner, Kombiverkehr’s extensive network is one of the decisive criteria, which we can use to make the existing connection in through transport even more attractive. In this way, both cooperation partners combine their strengths and offer new rail-based and, above all, climate-friendly transport solutions, which are becoming increasingly important in cross-border goods transport – says Dejan Nikolic, Director of MBOX Terminals.

Train departures are offered on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from Wels and on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays from Niš. Kombiverkehr KG runs direct trains from the Wels hub terminal to Duisburg Ruhrort Hafen, Munich-Riem and Ludwigshafen. From there, there are numerous national and international connecting services, for example from us to Hamburg, Hanover, Leipzig, the German Baltic Sea ports of Lübeck and Kiel, as well as to and from Spain, France, Benelux, Great Britain and Scandinavia.

Freight forwarders book their shipments in the Kombiverkehr KG customer portal or via the KV4.0 data hub. With the exception of classes 1 and 7, all dangerous goods can be transported. If required, MBOX can handle customs clearance of goods as well as road-side pre- and on-carriage within Serbia and across borders.

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