From EIB 2.7 million euros for the preparation of new projects in the water transport sector

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure prof. Zorana Mihajlovic PhD., has signed the agreement on granting of grants in water transport, worth 2.7 million euros, with the manager of the European Investment Bank for Serbia, Anne Solecki. On that occasion, she is especially proud because the Government of Serbia two years ago was strategically determined to develop water corridors that have been neglected for decades. This money will be used for the preparation of three new water transport projects, whose value is 20 million euros.

– We invest 200 million euros in water transport for the construction and reconstruction of the Djerdap I and II navigational lock, the expansion of the port of Smederevo, removal of the submarine fleet from the Second World War. As we invest in all other modes of transport, road, rail and air, so we invest in water. This agreement will enable us to prepare several large projects, because we want our rivers to be better used and to have more goods transported via our rivers – Mihajlovic said.

Dubravka Negre, Director of EIB for the Western Balkans, said 2.7m euros in grants will be used for the preparation of major projects, and that the rivers in Serbia are no longer isolated, but are part of the European transport network and will connect Serbia with the rest of Europe.

– Preparing the project is a key part of its realization. Together with the Ministry, we are implementing several major water transport projects and our goal is to improve the conditions of river navigation through Serbia. The rivers are an important resource and we are glad that the Ministry led by Deputy Prime Minister, Ms. Mihajlovic, recognized this and that we will continue to work together on the realization of projects in water transport – she said.

Ana Solecki congratulated the Ministry of Transport on a well-prepared project and stressed that it would contribute to better connectivity and navigation safety.

We are pleased to be part of this project, which aims at regulating Sava River waterway, introducing the hydro-meteorological station system, as well as introducing the water management system in Serbia.

Before signing the agreement, Deputy Prime Minister, Ms. Mihajlovic, held a meeting with representatives of EIB, where they also discussed joint cooperation in the field of road, rail and air traffic.

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